Published Work

Many of the following publications are contributions to excavation reports. They are differentiated according to artefact type:  c Assemblage of coarse stone,  f Assemblage of flaked lithics (including flint, quartz, baked mudstone, rhyolite, tuff etc.), p pumice assemblage

f c Kirby, M. 2023 Neolithic and Bronze Age Settlement at Hatton Mill Farm, Friockheim, Angus. Tayside and Fife Archaeological Journal Volume 29

f c Kirby, M 2023 A rectilinear post-built structure, Roman field ovens and prehistoric settlement at Alyth Substation, Haughend, Perth and Kinross Tayside and Fife Archaeological Journal Volume 29

c, ochre Brown, F., Clark, P., Dickson, A., Gregory, R., and Zant, J. 2023 From an Ancient Eden to a New Frontier: an Archaeological Journey Along the Carlisle Northern Development Route. Oxford Archaeology. Lancaster Imprints

Kirby, M. and Walker, J. (with contributions by D. Alldritt, S. Anderson, A. Clarke, D. Griffiths, C. Hills, F. Hunter, J. Thoms, K. Hartley and F. Wild) 2023 The Excavation of a Romano-British Site at Netherhall Road, Maryport, Internet Archaeology 61.

Ann Clarke and Mesolithic Deeside 2022 A Lithics Handbook 

f Clarke, A. and Kirby, M. (with Alldritt, D. and Brown F.) 2022 Tuff, Flint, and Hazelnuts: Final Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Occupation at Netherhall Road, Maryport, Cumbria, Internet Archaeology 59. 

f Fraser, S. M., Noble, G., Warren, G., Tipping, R., Paterson, D., Mitchell, Clarke, A., Wickham-Jones, C. (Accepted/In press). The Upper Dee Tributaries Project: Finding the Mesolithic in the mountains of Scotland. In D. Borić, D. Antonović, B. Mihailović, & S. Stefanović (Eds.), Holocene Foragers in Europe and Beyond: Papers Presented to the Ninth International Conference on the Mesolithic in Europe MESO 2015, Belgrade, Serbia (pp. 64-69). Belgrade: Serbian Archaeological Society. 

f Wickham-Jones, C, Bates, R, Cameron, A, Clarke, A, Collinson, D, Duthie, S, Kinnaird, T, Noble, G, Ross, I, Sabnis, H & Tipping, R 2021 ‘Prehistoric communities of the River Dee: Mesolithic and other lithic scatter sites of central Deeside, Aberdeenshire’ Scottish Archaeological Internet Reports 97.

 c Clarke, A 2020 Stone Tools from Ness of Brodgar in N. Card, M. Edmonds and A. Mitchell (eds) The Ness of Brodgar: As it Stands. 224-243. 

f Wickham-Jones, C.R., Noble, G., Fraser, S.M., Warren, G., Tipping, R., Paterson, D., Mitchell, W., Hamilton, D., Clarke, A. 2020 New Evidence for Upland Occupation in the Mesolithic of Scotland.  Proceedings Prehistoric Society, 86. 

c Robinson, G., Town, M., Balin, T.B., Clarke, A., Dunne, J., Evershed, R.P, Gardiner, L.F., Gibson, A., and Russ, H. 2020 ‘Furness’s First Farmers: Evidence of Early Neolithic Settlement and Dairying in Cumbria.’ Proceedings Prehistoric Society, 86. 

c Lingard, C and Moore, R 2019 ‘Neolithic pits and Late Bronze Age roundhouses in the Upper Ury Valley, Aberdeenshire’, Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 148: 13-47.

c f Kirby, M 2018 ‘A Bronze Age barrow cemetery and a medieval enclosure at Orchardfield, East Linton, East Lothian’, Scottish Archaeological Internet Reports 80

Warren, G, Fraser, S, Clarke, A, Driscoll, K, Mitchell, W, Noble, G, Paterson, D, Schulting, R, Tipping, R, Verbaas, A, Wilson, C, Wickham-Jones, C 2018  ‘Little House in the Mountains? A small Mesolithic structure from the Cairngorm Mountains, Scotland’ Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports (2018)

c f Anderson , S 2018 ‘A prehistoric cremation burial at Duns Law Farm, near Duns, Scottish Borders’, Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 147: 29-47.

Anderson-Whymark, H, Clarke, A, Edmonds, M, Thomas, A 2017 ‘Process, form and time: Maceheads in an Orcadian context, in R Shaffrey (ed) Written in Stone. Oxford, 10-34.

Atkinson, J 2016 Ben Lawers, an archaeological landscape in time’, Scottish Archaeological Internet Report 62.

c Colin Richards, Ann Clarke, Claire Ingrem, Jacqui Mulville and Ingrid Mainland 2015 ‘Containment, closure and red deer.’ Proc Soc Antiq Scot, 145, 91-124.

f Hill, I 2016 ‘Excavations at land south of Gardyne Street, Friockheim, Angus.’ Tayside and Fife Archaeological Journal vol 21–22 2015–2016, 15–24.

c p Clarke, A 2015 ‘The coarse stone from Neolithic sites around the Bay of Firth: Stonehall, Wideford Hill, Crossiecrown, Knowes of Trotty and Braes of Smerquoy’ in C Richards and R Jones  (eds) 2015 The development of Neolithic house societies in Orkney. Oxbow. 

Clarke, A 2014 ‘Excavations at Bayanne, Yell, Shetland: The Coarse Stone and The Pumice.’ in H Moore and G Wilson Ebbing Shores. Survey and Excavation of Coastal Archaeology in Shetland 1995-2008. Historic Scotland Archaeology Report no. 8, 163-183.

c Clarke, A 2013 ‘Stone Artefacts’ in D Strachan Excavations at the Black Spout, Pitlochry. PKHT, Perth

c f p Clarke, A 2012 ‘Coarse stone, flaked stone and pumice’ in C Cotter 2012 The Western Stone Forts Project: Excavations  at Dun Aonghasa and Dun Eoghanachta  Discovery Programme Monograph: Wordwell, Dublin.

Clarke, A; Vila, A;  Estevez, J; Hardy, K 2012 ‘The Tie That Binds? An incised Mesolithic bevelled pebble from Camas Daraich, Skye’ Mesolithic Miscellany 22.1, October 2012, 3-9.

Clarke, A 2012 ‘The Stone Tools’ in N Sharples A Late Iron Age Farmstead in the Outer Hebrides. Excavations at Mound 1, Bornais, South Uist. Oxford.

Noble, G., Greig, M., Millican, K., Anderson, S., Clarke, A., Johnson, M., . . . Sheridan, A. (2012). Excavations at a Multi-period Site at Greenbogs, Aberdeenshire, Scotland and the Four-post Timber Architecture Tradition of Late Neolithic Britain and Ireland. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 78, 135-171. doi:10.1017/S0079497X00027146

f c Clarke, A 2012 A report on the assemblage of flaked baked mudstone and coarse stone tools from excavations on the Shiant Isles. Report produced 2008 and uploaded onto site 2012

f c Clarke A, 2012 ‘Lithics and coarse stone.’ in Gray, H and Suddaby, I 2012 ‘Early Neolithic pits, an Iron Age ring-ditch house and associated features at Coul Brae, Mosstodloch, Moray’Scottish Archaeological Journal. Volume 34-35, Issue 1, 46-50.

Clarke, A 2011 ‘Does size matter? Stone axes from Orkney: their style and deposition’ in RV Davis and MR Edmonds (eds) Stone Axe Studies lll CBA.

Clarke, A 2011 ‘Stone tools’ in J Harden and O Lelong Winds of Change. The living landscapes of Hirta, St Kilda. Edinburgh.

Clarke, A 2009 ‘Craft Specialisation in the Mesolithic of Northern Britain: the evidence from the coarse stone tools’, in N Finlay; S McCarten; N Milner and CR Wickham-Jones 2009 From Bann Flakes to Bushmills, Oxbow.

 c Clarke A, 2009 ‘The coarse stone tools’ in K Hardy and CR Wickham-Jones 2009 Scotland’s first Settlers. Mesolithic and later sites around the Inner Sound, Scotland: the work of the Scotland’s First Settlers Project 1998-2004. SAIR 31.

 c Clarke, A 2008 ‘Coarse Stone Report’ in PM Sharman ‘Excavation of a Bronze Age funerary site at Loth Road, Sanday, Orkney’ SAIR 25

c Clarke, A 2007  ‘Coarse stone’, in JR Hunter, J Bond and A Smith Excavations at Pool, Sanday. A multi-period settlement from Neolithic to Late Norse Times. Kirkwall.

c Clarke, A 2009 ‘The Stone Tools’, in  A Becket and G MacGregor ‘Forest grazing and seaweed foddering: early Neolithic occupation at Maybole, South Ayrshire’, Proc Soc Antiq Scot 139, 105-122.

 c Clarke, A 2007  ‘The coarse stone’ in S Dockrill, J Bond and R Nicholson Tofts Ness, Sanday. An island landscape through 3000 years of prehistory. Kirkwall.

 f Clarke, A 2007 ‘The flaked lithic assemblage’  in WS Hanson Elginhaugh: A Flavian Fort and its Annexe. Britannia Monograph Series No. 23.

 c Clarke, A and Waddington, C 2007 ‘Bevelled pebbles and other stone artefacts’ in C Waddington (ed) Mesolithic Settlement in the North Sea Basin: A case study from Howick, North-East England. Oxbow Books.

Clarke, A 2006 Stone Tools and the Prehistory of the Northern Isles. Oxford (= British Archaeological Reports, British Series 406).

 c, p Clarke, A 2005a ‘The stone tool assemblage’ and ‘The pumice’, in C Richards (ed) 2005 Dwelling among the monuments: the Neolithic village of Barnhouse, Maes Howe passage grave and surrounding monuments at Stenness, Orkney. Cambridge (=McDonald Institute monograph).  323-338.

 c Clarke, A 2005b ‘The Querns’ in A Crone and E Campbell A Crannog of the 1st Millennium AD: Excavations by Jack Scott at Loch Glashan, Argyll, 1960. Edinburgh. 92-104.

c Clarke, A 2005c ‘Coarse stone Artefacts’ in A Ritchie Kilellan Farm, Ardnave, Islay: excavations of a prehistoric to early medieval site by Colin Burgess and others 1954-1976. Edinburgh. 133-41.

c Clarke, A 2005d ‘Stone Artefacts’ in N Sharples A Norse Farmstead in the Outer Hebrides: excavations at Mound 3, Bornais, S Uist. Oxford. 69, 133, 173, 194.

 Clarke, A 2005e ‘Coarse stone assemblage’ in N Card ‘Bookan Chambered Cairn, Sandwick, Orkney’, Proc Soc Antiq Scot 135, 163-90 (179).

c Clarke, A 2004 ‘Coarse Stone Artefacts’ in DDA Simpson, RA Gregory and EM Murphy ‘Excavations at Kaimes Hill, Ratho, City of Edinburgh, 1964-72’, Proc Soc Antiq Scot 134, 65-118 (96-104).

c Clarke, A 2003 ‘Coarse stone’ in R Strachan and A Dunwell ‘Neolithic and Bronze Age sites, Peterhead’, Proc Soc Antiq Scot 133, 137-171 (156).

c Clarke, A 2000a ‘Coarse stone assemblage’, in J Downes and R Lamb 2000 Prehistoric Houses at Sumburgh in Shetland. Oxford. 87-104.

c Clarke, A 2000b ‘The coarse stone’ in BA  Crone The history of a Scottish lowland crannog: excavations at Buiston, Ayrshire 1989-90. Edinburgh (=Scottish Trust Archaeol Res Monog Ser 4).

c, p Clarke, A 1999a ‘The coarse stone tools’, in O Owen and C Lowe 1999 Kebister: the four-thousand-year-old story of one Shetland township. Edinburgh (= Soc Antiq Scot Monogr Ser 14) 151-164.

f Clarke, A 1999b ‘The Flints’ in C Haughton and D Powlesland West Heslerton: The Anglian Cemetery. Landscape Research Centre Monograph No. 1. 60-2.

c Clarke, A 1999c ‘The coarse stone’ in Dalland, M ‘Sand Fiold: the excavation of an exceptional cist in Orkney’, Proc Prehis Soc 65, 373-413.

f Clarke, A 1999d ‘Earlier Activity: Lithics’ in JC Barrett and RB Gourlay ‘An early metal assemblage from Dail na Caraidh, Inverness-shire and its context’, Proc Soc Antiq Scot 129, 161-187 (168-69).

c Clarke, A 1998a ‘Stone’ in L Main 1998 ‘Excavation of a timber round-house and broch at the Fairy Knowe, Buchlyvie, Stirlingshire, 1975-8’, Proc Soc Antiq Scot 128, 293-418 (377-390).

c, p Clarke, A 1998b ‘The coarse stone’, in N Sharples 1998 Scalloway: A Broch, Late Iron Age Settlement and Medieval Cemetery in Shetland. Oxford (=Oxbow Monograph 82). 93-95, 119, 139-147, 149-150, 178-80).

c, p, f Clarke, A 1998c ‘The coarse stone, flint and pumice’ in C Lowe Coastal erosion and the archaeological assessment of an eroding shoreline at St Boniface Church, Papa Westray, Orkney. Sutton publishing. 66-70.

f    Clarke, A 1998d ‘The flint knives’ in DB Taylor, JS Rideout, CJ Russell-White and T Cowie ‘Prehistoric burials from Angus: some finds old and new’, Tayside and Fife Arch J, 4, 31-66 (54-55, 58-59).

c Clarke, A 1998e‘The coarse stone’ in RPJ McCullagh, and R Tipping (eds) The Lairg Project 1988-1996: the evolution of an archaeological landscape in northern Scotland. Edinburgh (= Scottish Trust Archaeol Res Mongr, 3).

c Clarke, A 1997a ‘The coarse stone artefacts’ in ST Driscoll and PA Yeoman Excavations within Edinburgh Castle in 1988-91. Edinburgh, 122-6.

c, f Clarke, A 1997b ‘Flaked stone and other stone artefacts’ in JS Rideout ‘Excavation of Neolithic enclosures  at Cowie Road, Bannockburn, Stirling, 1984-5’, Proc Soc Antiq Scot 127, 29-68 (48-51).

 Clarke, PA 1996a Observations of Social Change in Prehistoric Orkney and Shetland Based on a Study of the Types and Context of Coarse Stone Artefacts. Unpub MLitt Thesis, University of Glasgow.

c Clarke, A 1996b ‘The coarse stone artefacts’ in ‘Excavation of a promontory fort and a palisaded homestead at Lower Greenyards, Bannockburn, Stirling, 1982-5’, Proc Soc Antiq Scot 126, 199-269 (241).

 c Clarke, A  1995a ‘The coarse stone’ in P Raisen and T Rees ‘Excavation of three cropmark sites at Melville Nurseries, Dalkieth’, Glasg Arch J 19, 31-50 (46).

c Clarke, A 1995b ‘The coarse stone report’ in K Branigan and P Foster 1995 Barra: Archaeological research on Ben Tangval. Sheffield, 140-43.

 c Clarke, A 1994 ‘The coarse stone’ in DA Johnston ‘Carronbridge, Dumfries and Galloway: the excavations of Bronze Age cremations, Iron Age settlements and a Roman camp’, Proc Soc Antiq Scot 124, 233-291 (269).

Gallagher, DB and Clarke, A 1993 ‘Burials of possible Romano-British date from Inveresk, East Lothian’, Proc Soc Antiq Scot 123, 315-8.

c Clarke, A 1992a ‘Coarse stone’ in JS Rideout, OA Owen and E Halpin Hillforts of southern Scotland. AOC monograph 1  (41, 145-146).

Clarke, A 1992b ‘Artefacts of coarse stone from Neolithic Orkney’ in Sharples, N and Sheridan, A (eds) 1992 Vessels for the Ancestors: Essays on the Neolithic of Britain and Ireland in Honour of Audrey Henshall. Edinburgh. 244-258.

c, p, f Clarke, A 1990 ‘Coarse stone tools’, ‘The pumice’ and ‘The use of bloodstone as a raw material for flaked stone tools in the West of Scotland’ in CR Wickham-Jones Rhum: Mesolithic and later sites at Kinloch. Excavations 1984-86. Edinburgh (=Soc Antiq Scot Monog Ser No. 7) 117-26, 130, 149-56.

f Clarke, A 1989a ‘Corse Law, Carnwath, Lanarkshire: a lithic scatter’, Proc Soc Antiq Scot 119, 43-54.

Clarke, A 1989b ‘The Skaill knife as a butchering tool’, Lithics 10, 16-27.

f Clarke, A 1989c ‘The flaked lithics’ in R McCullagh ‘Excavations at Newton, Islay’. Glasg Arch J 15, 23-51.

f Affleck, TL; Edwards, K and Clarke, A 1988 ‘Archaeological and palynogical studies of the Mesolithic pitchstone and flint site of Auchareoch, Arran’, Proc Soc Antiq Scot 118, 37-59.

Clarke, A and Wickham-Jones, CR 1988 ‘The ghost of Morton revisited: comments on Myers’, Scott Arch Review 5.1, 35-37.

Wickham-Jones, CR; Clarke PA and Barlow, A 1986 ‘A Project in Experimental Archaeology: Avasjo 1982’, Review of Scottish Culture 2, 97-104. 

c Clarke, A 1984 ‘Stone tools’, in N Sharples 1984  ‘Excavations at Pierowall Quarry, Westray, Orkney’, Proc Soc Antiq Scot 114, 75-125 (101-2) .